Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Why is there not much out there for dads?

As the facilitator for the local Fathers Network group ("A powerful voice for fathers of children with special needs"), I have not found a lot of information out there for dads.  Every search I did with Google came back with 95% moms and 5% family related sites.  Not a single one for specifically dedicated to dads!  Well, besides the Fathers Network, but I am trying to find more out there.  Why is that?  What makes dad's so different from mothers?  I don't think there is much of a difference, so I will be undergoing a new task - produce one!  

Over the past 8 months I've had a burning in my heart to get the local chapter of the Fathers Network going in a great direction, and seem to be making the small steps needed.  We have been going through the motions for the past 4 years since I took over, and we have been successful with our progress.  But my heart was not totally in what I was doing.  I would conduct the meetings, enjoy the communication and exchanges of views, but after the meeting was done, I seemed to lose my interest until the next meeting.  The information was valuable, but for me it just didn't affect me like I thought it would. 

I don't know what happened about 8 months ago, but I'm sure it was something Zoe did and the light clicked.  Here is a beautiful little girl, full of love and always smiling, about to start growing up in a society which will treat her differently than most people.  I knew that I had to start making a change, for her, for others that have a disability, and for society to realize what they would be missing if they didn't get to know these individuals.  I know my daughter is destined for great things, and she will accomplish her purpose of why she was placed on this earth.  I owe it to her, myself, and others, to start making changes where I can as a dad.

With all Zoe has taught me in the past 8 years, I know she has a bright future. 

Dad's, we shall soon have a place!

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